Find the Perfect Cemetery Property

The Dignity Memorial® network includes cemeteries throughout the United States and Canada. They offer a range of choices for traditional burial as well as cremation, including ground plots, mausoleums, niches, estates and more. Many of our properties include sections dedicated to certain religious or ethnic groups, as well as gardens for veterans and children.

Trouver la bonne sépulture.

Explorez vos nombreuses options avec le Guide de l'acheteur d'une propriété de cimetière.

Headstones & grave markers

Headstones and grave markers serve as poignant reminders of loved ones who have passed. They’re also valuable records for genealogists. Available in a wide range of sizes, materials and prices, cemetery memorials can be personalized most any way you wish.

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Burial options

When it comes to burial options, there are two traditional choices: in-ground plots and aboveground entombment. Families can opt for a ground burial plot or space in a community mausoleum, or they may decide on a custom mausoleum or private cemetery estate.

Cremation options

Families who choose cremation often find that having a permanent place to visit, reflect and remember their loved ones brings comfort. Dignity Memorial cemeteries offer a diverse range of customizable options for cremation, from gardens to niches and more.

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Create a lasting legacy

Many people don't realize the significance of choosing a final resting place. It is an important step in creating a family legacy, establishing a place of remembrance for future generations and paying tribute to a special life. Your Dignity Memorial professionals are here to help.

Get your free Buyer's Guide to Cemetery Property today.

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